Kell Brazil-Entrepreneur-Writer-Speaker-Life Coach-St Louis MO Metro

Kell 's Blog


Resilience Is A Muscle

Published 2019-07-18

Resilience Is A Muscle Blog Post Kell Brazil

Resilience Is A Muscle 
She was born into poverty to a teenage mother. Her grandmother played a leading role in her life. She grew up in the church and began performing in front of the congregation as a toddler. She did well in school and had a knack for drama & recitation. She was sexually abused and at times, unwanted. She suffered grief and tragedy. She too had a child in her teenage years. She had a desire to learn and a resilient spirit. She pivoted from mistakes and failures. She was empathetic and kind. She committed to personal growth and standards of excellence. She committed to exploring and expanding her soul to its fullest potential. And still today, she holds space for others to do the same. She didn’t allow anyone to define her character or her capabilities as a woman based on where she came from or what she experienced. She believes in girls and women and champions their causes and inspires their dreams. She knows we all want to be seen and to know we are wanted. She knows we all have a purpose. She allows nothing to stop her. She knows we are unique, but all the same. She, in this story, is me, and I am you.

These early experiences in life could’ve knocked me flat and kept me there; it would’ve been so easy. But for the grace of God, and some other unforeseen force, I persevered. I made a ton of mistakes and didn’t really know who I was. If I’m honest, I’m still figuring out that part. I’ve known great love in my life alongside great loss. I’m a master at taking the long way around. But I eventually get there. Somewhere along the way, someone told me I had great potential, and while I’m no Oprah, I latched onto that nugget like a drowning man at sea. If all you have is one tiny little sliver of hope, you’re halfway there. Resilience is a muscle that gets stronger when you work it. Knowing you can figure anything out and ultimately handle whatever comes your way is like strength training. Having a positive mental attitude is the cardio. It takes work and commitment to see the changes but stay at it long enough and soon the world will take notice.

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” -Oprah Winfrey

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